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Showing posts from July, 2018


There is a very interesting theory called the Deterministic Chaos Theory. I was quite fascinated when I first learnt about this theory and the impact it can have on our life. We live in a world with so many laws both gross and subtle. Better to understand them and live our life in accordance with them, because as the saying goes " You can't break the law but can break yourself against it ". With this little introduction let us try to understand this theory in action. Deterministic Chaos Theory in it's simplistic sense states that a minor difference at the start of a process can make a major change in it as time progresses . Just like an avalanche. It starts with a small ball of snow falling down, slowly it gathers more and more snow and very soon the ball becomes so big that an entire village is destroyed. Another example to explain this phenomenon is the example of a plane. If there is an error by a slightest degree when the plane takes off then it could land in an...