When O when will I become a Vaishnava... Who is humbler than a blade of grass and more tolerant than a tree, Free from any sense of hatred and animosity. When O when will I become a Vaishnava... Who is free from lust and greed, And from unwanted wants and needs. When O when will I become a Vaishnava... Who is free from pride and envy, And from wrong company. When O when will I become a Vaishnava... Who is ready to embrace other's sorrows as one's own, And not bother about sorrows of one's own. When O when will I become a Vaishnava... Who is ready to forgive and forget, And not be caught in Maya's net. When O when will I become a Vaishnava... Who is eager to offer respects to all, And expect none at all. When O when will I become a Vaishnava... Who chants the Holynames incessantly, With love, devotion and humility. When O when will I become a Vaishnava... Who considers everyone better than himself, And loves everyone more than oneself. When O when will I become a...