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"One who experiences the real world in thier life, don't need the reel world experience to keep them alive."

Man has always been crazy about movies ever since they came into being with Hollywood leading from the front. And the craze seems to  keep increasing more and more with the advancement of technology. The thinking, eating, dressing, talking and practically every aspect of the lives of people is influenced by movies in small or big ways. Hollywood of America has not only influenced film industries in Asia but also the world over. Most of the film industries have associated with Hollywood to promote and market their films both locally and abroad. Here is the list of the name of film industries across the world that are inspired by Hollywood. This list will leave you spellbound.
  1. Bollywood - Mumbai-based Hindi language film industry.
  2. Pollywood - Punjabi language film industry in India. 
  3. Lollywood - Urdu and Punjabi films of Pakistani film industry in Lahore.
  4. Chhollywood - Chhattisgarhi language film industry based in Chhattisgarh. 
  5. Tollywood - Bengali film industry in West Bengal / Telugu film industry in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
  6. Kollywood - Tamil language film industry, based in Chennai.
  7. Mollywood - Malayalam film industry in Kerala. 
  8. Sandalwood - Kannada language film industry in Karnataka.
  9. Jollywood - Assamese language film industry in Guwahati, Assam.
  10. Ollywood - Film industry of Orissa in Oriya language
  11. Sollywood - Sindhi film industry
  12. Dhaliwood - Film industry of Bangladesh.
  13. Kariwood - Karachi based film industry of Pakistan.
  14. Kaliwood - Nepali cinema based in Kathmandu.
  15. Dhollywood - Film industry based in Gujarat, India in the Gujarati language.
  16. Ghollywood - Film industry in Ghana.
  17. Hillywood - Film industry in Rwanda.
  18. Kannywood - Film industry based in Kano, Nigeria.
  19. Nollywood - Film industry based in Lagos, Nigeria.
  20. Riverwood - Film industry in Kenya
  21. Sollywood - Film industry in Sierra Leone.
  22. Swahiliwood - Cinema in Tanzania.
  23. Ugawood - Film industry based in Uganda.
  24. Zollyuwood - Cinema of Zimbabwe.
  25. Chollywood - Peruvian film industry.
  26. Mollywood - Mormon film industry in the US.
  27. Hallyuwood - South Korean cinema.
Isn't this a crazy list proving the craze humans have for movies. It is as if people think more in terms of reel life than real life.

Hollywood, Bollywood and all the other woods have their origins in Holy wood - the woods of Vrindavan - that is the real world, the rest are just reel worlds. The Holy wood is where the eternal pastimes of the Lord of all the worlds happens and the rest of the woods are temporary places of time pass of the "so called" Lords of this world. The heroine and hero of the Holy wood, Radha and Krishna are ever-green and ever seen whereas the heroines and heroes of the rest of the woods will not be forever green and forever seen.

The movie of the Holy wood never ends and always satisfies us whereas the movies of the rest of the woods does end and never satisfies us, they only tilitate the mind and senses for a while.

All the other woods are mere reflection of the original wood - the Holy wood. In fact, because we have lost connection with our roots, our home - the Holy wood, Hollywood and all it's corollaries have sprung up. The need for love, entertainment, happiness and satisfaction will happen when we disconnect from Hollywood and connect to the Holy wood.

- Achyut Gopal Das


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